Scheme for non-contact optical measurement
The basis of the S4 technology is that when a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) is strained by axial compression or stretching, its carbon atoms move more systematically and change the electronic band gap. This effect shifts the wavelength of the carbon nanotube's near-infrared emission peak by predictable amounts that are proportional to the strain along the nanotube axis. In this way, each nanotube can act as a tiny, optically monitored strain gauge. We dilutely disperse nanotubes in a polymer and air-brush onto the specimen to form a submicron thin sensing film that cures at ambient temperature. Subsequent strain in the structural member is transmitted through the film to those embedded SWCNTs, which then act as local strain sensors. To read out the strain values, we illuminate a region of interest with light from a red laser, capture the resulting near-infrared fluorescence, and spectrally analyze that fluorescence. Because the nanotube sensors are randomly distributed throughout the film, we can measure strain at all points of interest.
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